2.5 On the Bias

2.5 On the Bias


The essays and manifestos of PLAT 2.5 assert that architecture will always be produced by people exercising unique bias, with experiences that unavoidably shape their interests and predilections. The way an architect represents his or her experience, and the way in which others see and rewrite that experience impacts the architectural work and provides a fresh way forward for architectural thinking.

Editors-in-Chief: Mary Casper & Chimaobi Izeogu

Managing Editor: Sean Billy Kizy

With contributions from Philip Ursprung, Nana Last, Perry Kulper, Javier Arbona, Adriaan Geuze, Rakia Seaborn, Sylvia Lavin, Brett Steele, Peter Muessig, Livia Corona, and Johnston Marklee.

Published Fall 2012.

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